Handmade Paper goods by
Broadway Performer turned Covid-Crafter, Mary Page takes well loved materials and gives them a new life through a page of mary. Each creation is one of a kind. Getting #apageofmary is like taking a page from her book.
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Meet the maker
Hi! I’m Mary Page (two first names - it’s a Southern thing), and this is my paper business — a page of mary. In real life I’m a Broadway Performer, but when Covid hit, my entire industry was shut down — so I had to get creative.
As a child, I was always obsessed with paper; folding it, cutting it, oragami-ing it, all the crafty things. My Dad says when he’d read to me, I was always more interested in how the books were made, then what was actually inside them. All these years later, I still have quite the affinity.
I've been book binding since high school, and have always wanted to sell my creations. I figure now is as good a time as any! Thank You very much for being here and supporting my business. I am so grateful for each and every sale, comment, and nice message!
For more information about the books themselves, and where they come from/sustainability practices, head on over here: